Final Respect

Nyiyongu Samuel Shawon


Last night I curled under the sheets
Remembering the dusty streets
In beautiful Ihugh where I hail
And an old woman of white hair.
Poor and totally wrinkled!
Even life had her ridiculed.
She would sing songs
telling deeds of Kunav men so strong.
I wished her sons
Cold and loneliness pained her lungs.
And a shrill smile she often wore
Would a times cry as during war.
To help I thought,
now and then as I ought
Yet my finances were short
So I would pray as I was taught.
She was always alone
and no word described her but 'LONE'
Sweet death hugged her one night
I smiled: this was good for her plight.
Then in awe I saw a throng.
I had been wrong!
For what is this assembly? I enquired.
"Final respect," they chorused.
My poor heart sank
as it saw people of rank.
To and fro they went.
Money upon money they spent.
Diamond casket embraced her corpse.
I laughed at such waste and loss.
Extravagance so fake
She had had meals of no taste!
Often sleeping without food.
She had seen no good.
Yet in death, everything was new and money flew
Sadly and funnily, she never knew!
~~~Nyiyongu Samuel Shawon is a Creative Writer and teacher. He is so passionate about learners in the field of education. Twitter(X): Sam_nyiyongu

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