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BIRD: Biblical and Intercultural Research and Development
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This journal is domiciled in ENUGU STATE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Enugu, Nigeria. As a dynamic journal, editors and consulting editors are drawn from various institutions across the country and beyond. In this journal, we welcome contributions from various fields of study that are intended to advance the frontiers of academic knowledge. The objectives for introducing this BLUESLAND JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION (BJA), include but not limited to making our modest contribution to the advancement of knowledge, also to create a platform for intellectual awareness, creativity and scholarship among academics and professionals e.t.c
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Bluesland Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (BJASS) is a peer reviewed multi-disciplinary journal for the publication of researches in the arts and social sciences and beyond. The Journal welcomes both quantitative and qualitative studies in the field of humanities and sciences, especially interventional studies that reflect professionals' experiences worldwide. BJASS which is a quarterly publication, seeks to encourage the teaching of arts and social sciences in Arts and Social Science departments and also support and promote research in higher institutions of learning; hence the domiciliation of the journal in Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike, Nigeria for the next three years.
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