A non-linear representation of Igbo vowels and phonological processes

L.C. Nkamigbo


The non-linear approach of feature geometry is greatly discussed in this paper. Thisapproach involves two components of speech production namely: the laryngeal featuresand the supralaryngeal features. The laryngeal features concentrate on the vocal foldsetc. while the supralaryngeal features focus on the upper vocal tract. Basically, the datafor this study were got from existing works in the literature on Igbo. The words weresubsequently transcribed and analysed phonetically. The paper examines the way Igbovowels and phonological processes can be accounted for, using feature geometry. Thus,this examination of various Igbo words showed that feature geometry studies vowelsusing three parameters – coronal vs. dorsal, +ATR vs. -ATR and round vs. unround. Thephonological processes of assimilation, palatalization and nasalization were dulyexamined. It was observed that assimilation in Igbo involves mainly vowels;palatalization generally involves a front vowel following a consonant while nasalization,which involves a nasal segment passing on its nasal quality to a vowel, is perseverative inIgbo.

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