Ndubuwa Ohaeri Nnaemeka, Uye Effiong Effiong


This paper examined the place of theological education and investment in a recessed Nigerian economy. Theological education in Nigeria had been without government subventions and grants. Therefore, investment mentality could be viewed as a tool of enhancing the financial base of the theological education in a changing Nigerian economy. Mismanagement of economy in Nigeria had been a great problem resulting to backwardness in the global economic rating which had relegated Nigeria to the background of other nations in spite of the numerous natural and human resources. Nonavailability of funds had hampered the smooth and effective running of theological institutions thereby creating a lacuna for moral turpitude to hibernate. However, hermeneutical method was used in this paper to discover the biblical view on investment and the necessity of adequate funds in promoting theological education. The paper discovered that theology with paucity of fund poses a threat to the well-being of the Church, educators and trainees of the theological education. This paper therefore suggested that transparency and prudent financial management would promote theological education; while investment in terms of entrepreneurial skills should be inculcated in the life of theological educators. Courses in Investment and entrepreneurship should be included in the curriculum of theological education to enlighten the students and to serve as a guide against instability of funds in the dynamic economy of Nigeria.

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